Our story

Turin welding workshops: learn about our history

“Ours is a fourth-generation family business: Franco, Flavia, Fabrizio, Ilaria and Marita, we are cousins, the sons of four brothers, great-grandchildren of Francesco Data, born in 1888.
In the early 1900s, our great-grandfather Francesco started his business as a hot iron forger using a “mule-head” trip hammer, in the “Boita” (as the local workshops were known) next to his home. This was in the small hamlet of Camagna di Rivara, in the countryside of the Canavese, often painted by the artist Pittara.
Francesco’s tenacity was passed down to his son Domenico – our grandfather – and then in turn to his 4 sons. Our grandfather, Domenico, chose to specialise in sheet metal cold shearing, since there were already many hot forging companies in the Canavese area.”
One of the four heirs, Franco, Domenico’s eldest son, passed away much too soon. In 1982, at just 42 years of age. His sudden and untimely death created a deep void in all our lives.
We decided that we all had to make our contribution to the company, doing the impossible to try to replace him as best we could.
Thanks to the strong synergy with our uncles, we youngsters are doing our best to keep the business running smoothly.
Date Welding workshops torino
Data Officine lavorazione lamiera torino
With a whole host of difficulties, of course … but with determination and enthusiasm we will continue along this path, even if we do feel the weight of a great responsibility on our shoulders. That of not undoing what has been built-up over the years, with the hard work of those who preceded us.
Six years ago we also introduced a new laser cutting process that allows us to meet the demands of our customers on prototypes and small series.
We believe that today the great difference lies in the ability to help customers solve the increasingly complex challenges they must face and do everything possible to establish a relationship of mutual trust with them.

Contact us

Visit us in our welding workshops

Our sheet metal processing operations are located near Turin, exactly in Rivara at 55 Busano Street, Busano.

Scopri gli altri servizi che offrono le nostre officine di saldatura

Data Officine’s production processes are born out of the combination of companies’ needs and the skills gained during our 100 years of experience.


2D Laser Cutting of Sheet Metal ie: CO2 LASER Ensis Fiber Prototypes, Small and Medium Series Ferrous and Nonferrous Materials


Sheet Metal Bending: With Press Benders Prototypes, Small and Medium Series Ferrous and Nonferrous Materials


  • MIG- MAG Welding TIG Welding Rotary Table Projection Prototypes, Small and Medium Series Ferrous and Nonferrous Materials


  • Complementary Assembly Work
  • Prototypes, Small and Medium Serie
  • Under Press up to 15mm
  • Prototypes, Small and Medium Series
  • Ferrous and Nonferrous Materials